Do you have a child with Autism?

We are Exploring Autism, and we're here to help. Our mission is to provide parents of Autistic children with advice on a variety of Autism topics while going on adventures! You can find us on YouTube!

Our goal is to provide information about autism in an accessible way so that we can all better understand what it means for our children and their families. We provide tips and tricks from experts who have been there too! You don't have to go through this alone - let us guide your journey as we explore together!

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While fathering my son who has autism I like him to experience fun family oriented outings, just like any other kid. My videos discuss some of the challenges involved with these outings and how to mitigate them through being prepared and using Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) techniques.

Many families have a child that is on the spectrum, or at least know someone who does. It can be very challenging for those children to go out into public because they are often overwhelmed by their surroundings and lack coping skills. This makes it hard for parents to enjoy quality time together as a family because they feel responsible for making sure their kids stay calm in public places so others aren't bothered by it.

You're going to love this! We will explore many different topics related to autism including ABA therapy, autistic meltdowns in public, disabled travel, sensory processing disorder etc…I'll also share tips that you can use right away when trying new things with your child!